The power of a new age

A chance for a sound investment:
PPA energy creates financial value

The strength of energy, the stability of the financial market:
PPA: a winning agreement

Explore new financial frontiers with PPAs:
power and profit in a single agreement

Trust energy to guarantee your financial success:
Discover the potential of PPAs

PPA: power to your financial investments

Power and financial security united:
PPA power that makes you earn

About us

Betel is a Swiss limited company active on the EU energy markets.

We are a top-tier company in the energy sector with sound experience and a cutting-edge approach aimed at innovation, sustainability, and digitalization. We offer flexible and customized PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) to meet our customers’ unique requirements. Our team of experts is here to help companies turn their energy requirements into profitable opportunities. We are committed to providing expert advice and high-quality services to guarantee the highest level of satisfaction to our clients. Find out how we can help you meet your energy and financial targets.

Reliability and trustworthiness

Precision e punctuality

  • Betel SA is part of the Swissgrid balancing group
    (Swiss TSO, the national Transmission Systems Operator)
  • Betel SA is a member of and is active on the GME
    (Gestore dei Mercati Energetici, which manages the Italian Power Exchange)

What we do

We create financial opportunities

We connect energy producers and purchasers to generate financial value and create investment opportunities. The energy producer commits to sourcing electricity from renewable sources and sell it to the purchaser at a fixed rate for a given period. Typically, there are three main payments solutions, chosen on a case-by-case basis: Pay as Produced, Minimum Value, and Fixed Value. By selling electricity under multi-year contracts, Betel SA can share the savings and guarantee lower provision costs, while recovering plant costs. Prices are agreed upon based on three solutions: fixed, variable, and virtual PPAs. Betel’s task is to advise and guide the investor by assessing which option works best for their situation and requirements.

What PPAs are

Power Purchase Agreements

A PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is a long-term contract (lasting between 1 and 20 years) between an energy producer and a company.
For the duration of the contract, the company purchases energy at a pre-agreed price.
Although mostly used for renewable energy systems, PPAs may also be used for other energy technologies. The agreement is entered into by a producer (the owner of a power plant), a provider or wholesale supplier, and a client-typically a manufacturing business with high energy consumption.
PPAs facilitate the transaction of energy, as companies can meet their sustainability targets more quickly while saving on energy costs and avoiding price fluctuations. Thanks to the PPAs, those realizing the plant know in advance how long it will take to recover their investment and what earnings to expect in the future.

Learn more

Investing in PPAs


  • Long-term planning.
    Avoid long-term price risk for raw materials and save on performance/returns
  • Sustainability.
    Meet your carbon emissions reduction targets in a more cost-efficient manner
  • Cost reduction.
    Reduce your costs and use fewer resources
  • Efficient use of resources.
    Increase energy efficiency
  • Public recognition.
    Promote your image and fulfil your commitments toward your employees and clients
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